Buildings As Material Banks
Buildings As Material Banks
Academic profile
Wesley Lanckriet as architect/researcher for VUB Architectural Engineering
Type of assignment
Research project
Instead of becoming waste, buildings should remain banks of valuable materials, slowing down the use of raw materials to a rate that matches the planet's capacity. To enable this circular approach, in the HORIZON 2020 project Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB) 16 partners from 8 European countries worked on a systemic shift in the building sector.
VUB Architectural Engineering acts as research partner and design expert within this strategic research project of European scale.
In the BAMB project, Wesley Lanckriet with the team of VUB Architectural Engineering and its partners jointly developed design and analysis tools such as BIM-based material passports that enable the transition from static construction to dynamic buildings. In order to put circular building concepts into practice, VUB Architectural Engineering also researched circular economical models within the BAMB project. The possibilities of those tools and economical models were for example tested in the Circular Retrofit Lab on the VUB Campus in Brussels.
+ Two illustrated design guides for circular building
+ Toolkit for circular design
Brussels Environment
BRE Group
EPA Netherlands
(and 12 others)